Sunday night I was called by a family out of state to check on their frightened mother and calm her. I found myself instantly dropping everything I’d planned to do that hour to rush to check on her and found myself within moments, sitting by her holding her hand asking her to tell me all about her experience.
There was no proof that the cause of her fears were substantiated but the fear that caused her to tremble was real. As I clasped her hand we talked quietly within moments, her trembling hand softened and we began to laugh about things that go bump in the night.
Today, I had the pleasure of taking one of our caregivers to lunch. With tears flowing down her face, she said, “thank you for the privilege of working with your company. You have impacted my life and my family more than I can express. You helped me establish my character and the lives that I’ve served have enhanced that character and made me a better person than I ever dreamt of being.”
Then a different caregiver escorted myself and a care recipient into an appointment in Las Vegas. What a delightful afternoon to share stories of how our lives are full of joy because as we touch our clients lives, they really are touching ours.
How appropriate to share this poem written by my daughter, (awesome administrative assistant) this morning as she sorted through years of our companies photos. Our favorites are of individuals holding hands.

The impact of a caregiver By Allyssa Taylor
What is the meaning of life,
if not to touch the lives of others?
Without connection, what is the purpose?
A life filled with empty hallways and forgotten memories feels bleak, purposeless.
But imagine—one hand holding dozens of others,
one heart loving hundreds of times.
It’s beautiful, really.
To envision a kind soul mending hurting hearts brings deep comfort.
To believe in a greater purpose brings a smile.
When life has meaning, the sun shines a little brighter.
The birds sing a little louder.
The ocean is a little bluer.
The sunset glows a little more orange.
The stars shine brighter when one life touches hundreds of others.
The trees whisper a little louder when life has purpose.