As graduation approaches, Pahrump Valley High School senior Makenzie Eaton reflects on her journey through high school with gratitude for the experiences and the people who have shaped her along the way. For Makenzie, the past four years have been a time of growth, learning, and discovering who she truly is. Surrounded by supportive teachers, friends, and family, she has gained valuable life lessons that will guide her in the years to come.
During her freshman and sophomore years, Makenzie was an active member of the PVHS volleyball team. Though she eventually decided to step away from the sport, the experience left a lasting impact on her. The discipline, teamwork, and dedication she learned through volleyball helped shape her high school experience and contributed to the strong, determined person she has become.
Of all her achievements, Makenzie is most proud of the personal growth she has experienced throughout high school. She recognizes that these years have been about more than just academics—they have been about self-discovery and transformation. The challenges, triumphs, and everyday moments have helped her become more confident and prepared for the next phase of her life.
After graduation, Makenzie plans to stay in Pahrump and attend Great Basin College, where she will pursue a bachelor’s degree in diagnostic medical sonography. Her goal is to build a career in the medical field, using her skills to make a difference in people’s lives. Once she completes her degree, she envisions moving out of state to explore new opportunities and continue growing both personally and professionally.
For underclassmen navigating their own high school journeys, Makenzie offers words of encouragement: “Never give up. It’s okay to steer off path sometimes, but always make sure you find your way back. If you put in the effort for just four short years and enjoy it while you’re doing it, everything will work out in the long run. Find your people and have fun.”
As she prepares to close this chapter and step into the future, Makenzie leaves behind a legacy of resilience, optimism, and determination. Her time at PVHS has been one of self-discovery and learning, and she is ready to take on the world with confidence.